Lists & Mapping

All types of lists are available. If you need local expertise or national coverage, please call DHF Associates. The most accurate lists available are updated and cross-referenced continuously.
We offer helpful consultation on lists and direct mail. We help you increase your target and response by refining exactly what you need and avoiding extra mailing costs.
National Change of Address processing to meet the new postal requirements. Volume discounts.
Consumer Lists
Selects age, income, children, exact age, gender, homeowners.
Business Lists
Selects employee size, sales, contact names, phone, fax, credit rating.
Specialty Lists
Psychographic, interests, unique targeting, high wealth, response lists also subscribers.
Resident/Occupant Lists
- All mailable addresses available.
- Select zip code, county, radius, state.
- Custom mapping of specific territories.
- identify key demographic traits to increase prospect lists.
A proprietary precise determination of a specific geographic area boundary down to the mailbox level is needed to obtain your exact needs for precision mailings.
DHF Associates provides an overlapping physical boundary of your territory, such as a school district or municipal boundary, boro, city, or other; then, utilizing custom programming and geospatial data, we can determine the precise territory to use. This is the most accurate and effective method available for boundary area configurations.
This is the best way to start your census or appeal fundraising letter campaign.
Forms, documents, flyers, envelopes, labels, numbered forms, laser docs, OCR barcodes, booklets, four color