Tax Bill Mailings

School Districts, Municipalities, Tax Bureaus
A state-of-the-art, unique, and automated tax collection process of custom designing, printing, matching, and mailing your tax bills. Initially set up as a joint pilot effort with the 26 county school districts as a total automated collection process, the success of this one-of-a-kind process led to interest from many other taxing authorities as well. OCR scanline processing and bank lockbox automation. We work with many banks, and DHF is Fulton Bank's preferred vendor.
Business Billing Statements
Unique and highly customized automated statement collection process designed to effectively increase your cash flow and availability of funds while reducing your time and costs of postage, production, and collection. This streamlined process uses the latest micro and OCR technology with your bank to exceed your expectations. From statement design to mailing, we take care of everything. Let us assist you with your statement collection process.
Working closely with you, we design a billing statement that will make for a more efficient process. Payments are automatically processed through your local bank, providing immediate availability of funds and significantly increasing interest income. A special automated system enables quick updating of payments directly to you.
This tax collection process provides:
- Cost and time savings
- Automated collections bank lockbox process with OCR, MICR, QR, and barcode scanning process.
- Immediate availability of funds and greater interest income
- Postage savings- lowest automated rates
- Taxpayer friendly
- Additional area to communicate with taxpayers, as well as the ability to include additional inserts postage-free
- Customized to your needs specifically in design, but takes advantage of economies of other districts.
- Ensured bank compliance and U.S.P.S compliance
- Highly credible, official looking easy to use statement
- Special matching in the same envelope of tax bills to household family members
A unique customized billing statement process that will completely streamline your payment collection and increase cash flow in a very significant manner. An automated process that provides immediate availability of funds at your local bank and updates your billing collections as well.
We can design a custom bill that provides greater communication with and acceptance with the recipient.
DHF Associates billing process enables you to:
- Streamline and automate the collection process
- Save time and money
- Increase cash flow and availability of funds
- Reduce postage
- Match bills together
- Highest Quality Control and attention to detail, personal multi-layered service
- User-friendly forms
- Not worry about bank or postal compliance- we take care of everything
- Faster turnaround
- Control and customize the process to your needs