Census Mailings

School Districts need to maintain an accurate count of residents and incoming students for data and facility needs planning purposes.
DHF specializes in custom census mailings for school districts. Used by many school districts and taxing authorities, the custom census form mailing, enables school districts to obtain data faster and more efficiently, while increasing accuracy greater response, with lower costs.
DHF also utilizes a dedicated online census response form at Schoolcensus.com. Used in combination with the mail form, the online response is popular, easy and quick to use, and much appreciated by residents.
We work directly with you to develop a customized mail census specific to your needs while still taking advantage of the economies of other census-taking authorities. Some benefits of a mail census:
- Cost savings: time-saving process.
- Faster turnaround time: get data response in days, not weeks or months; everyone receives mail, and all forms are received at once.
- Higher response rate: immediate response upwards of 94%.
- User friendly: households appreciate the case of use of the form; people say they like the form; it is easy and quick to read, write on, and respond to. Smooth, friendly process.
- Credibility: nice, official-looking form reflects positively and inspires response; envelope grabs attention.
- Greater accuracy: data is verified directly by the household, and any changes are written directly to the form.
- Outsourced: significant time-saving process, smoother and easier.
- Data collection: mapping of exact school districts boundary, and data collection through scanned forms and proprietary online census website.
Call or email us today with questions about a census mailing at 717- 293-0949 or dhf@dhfassociates.com.