About Us

DHF Specializes in Tax and Census mailings.
We understand your business and its unique needs. That's why we offer personal consultation and assistance tailored specifically to your requirements. Your project matters to us, and we are dedicated to supporting it every step of the way.
Experience and Expertise
We have been performing tax, census, and survey mailings of all types and complexities for over 25 years, from standard response to complete data generation and capture utilizing OCR, MICR, barcodes, and QR. Background in commercial banking, printing, and marketing.
Professionalism and Trust
We work closely with school districts, tax bureaus, municipalities, and other taxing authorities in tax bills, revenue collection, census implementation and data collection mailings. We work with your bank to implement lockbox collections of revenue.
Attention to Detail
We have more layers of quality control and focus on every aspect of critical data.
We are cognitive of keeping your cost as low as possible without jeopardizing accuracy. We are able to do this by designing extremely effective and cost-effective programs that work.
We are available anytime to answer any questions or concerns.
We specialize in tax and census work for school districts and other organizations. We know every aspect of the process, from design to completion.
Faster Turnaround
No one works harder or faster to get your mailing out. We offer a quick and accurate method to collect vital data information in your district.
Critical accuracy goes into our data programming and matching of bills. The data is collected through special and proprietary forms and ICR and barcode scanning technology, as well as, heads down manual input and verification of handwritten response data.
We also offer a custom designed turnkey process from generating dwellings, and form design, printing, mailing, postage savings, to response mechanisms, data capture, and download of complete census information data file.
Census Website
A proprietary dedicated census website for online data responses.